Tuesday, July 31, 2018

July's Monthly Giveaway!

Congratulations and Thanks to Heather Atson, who won my new monthly giveaway! For her generous support, she chose to receive an autographed copy of Alice Dippleblack in "On The Run" and a green helper jelly.

For your own chance to win awesome rewards and help support my writing, visit my Patreon!

In other news, I've hit that wondrously frustrating point of creativity where, after finishing one major project, I have to decide where to devote my erratic energies next. I thought I knew with Betwixt, but other ideas are flying in and demanding a place to land!

Along with Betwixt, two other stories are keeping me distracted. I could start Monica's sequel, "Double Trouble." Already have some fun elements to play with and situations to put her and her up against. Though I'm also considering adding a new chapter or two to MMM: Now Online.

Then there is also a fairly new but intriguing idea about exploring the afterlife! Working title is currently "After Death." In this story, a young man has recently died, but what comes next isn't what he expected at all. Once we lose our physical bodies, we're left as nothing but our memories. But even fresh memories fade in time, and so, to maintain his existence in this after life and stave off the unknown terror of fading into the after death, he has to learn quickly the rules of this new and horrific world.

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