I've begun writing Chapter 3 of The Jellybane's rewrite and am well into it.
It's a very exciting chapter for me because in it Alice meets Danahlia and Twinkaleni for the very first time. I've wanted to change the details of how the indomitable trio met for a while and hope my new ideas are an improvement.
As always, I'd love to get feedback on my work, so if you have some time, this would be an excellent opportunity to get involved since we are still very early in the story.
The first two finished chapters will be made available to you if you send me your email, either to me directly at 'kjbaileyad@gmail.com' or by posting it in the comments.
The third and subsequent chapters will also be made available in this way. I'd like to make an attempt at publishing my work when it is done, so please keep these files to yourself.
If, while reading, you come across something peculiar or have notes, feel encouraged to share with me.
If you're new to Alice Dippleblack and would like to know what I've been yammering on about for the last few years, here is a very brief summary:
Alice Dippleblack is a fantasy adventure series that takes place in a fantastical world of anthropomorphic animals, wondrous magic, and dangerous monsters. It predominately follows three orphans of vastly differing backgrounds in their struggle to survive in a land torn by war. Despite their differences, the trials the three endure together forge a bond that helps shape the future of their world.
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